Inequality and Poverty
Government is failing Americans. A nation accustomed to creating new industries, technologies and good jobs within those industries can no longer expect vision from...
How the Trans Pacific Partnership Trade Bill Will Devastate Average Americans.
The Republicans are up to it again. Once again, they are trying to further devastate the Middle Class. Under the guise of a popular...
The Nightmare of U.S. Private Prisons
With everything else you have to worry about—Fascism in government, domestic terrorists and the lack of intelligent response, a congress trying to overthrow all...
How Cable Companies Use ALEC to Get in Your Pocket
About 100 million people in the U.S. pay for what by comparison with other countries is substandard cable or satellite TV every year. Both...
Republicans Attacking Americans’ Affordable Health Care
The Patient’s Responsibility and Affordable Health Care Act—commonly known as Obamacare—had a remarkable milestone recently. After something like the 50th or 60th Republican House...
The Koch Brothers, Fascism and the 2014 Elections – Part II
So, here we have two brothers, raised in privilege by Frederick Koch, Sr., a man who was at first accepted, then apparently shunned by...
The Koch Brothers, Fascism and the 2014 Elections
There are always conspiracy theorists in abundance. And when it comes to elections, from Kennedy in 1960 to Bush in 2000, some people will...
The Economics of Destruction
We are in a very serious time in the history of this country. Although it may not seem so to many, about 80% of...
The Economy, Politics and Jobs
One of the key problems with the country today is the lack of jobs. If we had jobs, we would have more economic activity...
Democrats in 2014
If you talk to leading progressives these days, you'll be sure to hear this message: The Democratic Party should embrace the economic populism of...
The Land of Opportunity–for the Koch Brothers.
In the south Bronx, the unemployment rate is 19%. In Detroit and other metro areas it can be even higher than that. The opportunity...
It Is Time for a Change.
It is time for a change. It is time for the average American to get in the face of other average Americans, get on...
Still Crazy After All These Years
It has been 33 years since the ascendency of Conservative philosophy in the Republican Party and since the takeover of part of American government...
The Legacy of Ronald Reagan
It is time that we took a step back from the precipice that is the current American political atmosphere and try to understand how...
The Health Care Lobby’s Last Ditch Attempt to Stop Obamacare
The Patient Accessibility and Affordable Care Act, also known popularly as “Obamacare” heads into the home stretch of initiation this fall, October 1st, to...