Drilling Our Way to a Balanced Budget
The American Petroleum Instititute bankrolled a series of television commercials in which a very emphatic blonde parades through a series of set ups that...
A Tariff Policy to Create Jobs
We need exports and imports. We need jobs. And we need more jobs than can be provided by exports. In other words,at a very...
Are the Republicans Really Fascists? A Comparison.
Anyone can call someone else a name. People call others Fascists or Nazis all the time on the Internet. People who have these little...
Southerners Are Being Taken for a Ride
The Republicans, and the Tea Party founders, the Koch Family and about 30 other millionaire donors are taking the South for a ride.People...
Why Regulations Are Important
Rusty Billingsley was an ironworker who loved horses and loved his job. He was employed at the massive Las Vegas City Center project, a...
Class Warfare…The Battle to Destroy the Middle Class
A dentist from Naperville, Illinois called a talk show in Chicago.“I’ve invested $400,000 in starting a dental practice and the government won’t let...
Taxes and Stimuli, 101
So many stupid theories abound today, tossed back and forth between the billionaire-paid politicians and their paid think-tank economists, that it is hard to...
Forward…to the New Clinton Era
It is time to push and push hard for Democratic reforms of government. We can return to an era when jobs were prolific and...
Wisconsin, Walker and ALEC
Today, Tuesday, August 9, 2011, Wisconsin voters will face one of the most important political decisions of their lives. It will have an...
Tea Party Republicans and American Hatred
So now…the debt limit is raised and everyone is happy. We have cuts in government spending, But what else happened? Nothing.That is what...
Tax the Rich and Balance the Budget.
The very wealthy on Wall Street and their political arm, the Neoconservative Republican Party got us into this horrific Recession. Teachers didn't do it....
Who Is Scaring All Those Seniors…and Why?
"It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood...a beautiful day for a neighbor..would you be mine...could you be mine...."Oh, yeah. Mister Rogers had nothing...
Let’s Talk About the National Budget.
Phony baloney. Just like Walker in Wisconsin, the talk about "austerity" is a bunch of rich white men talking bull shit about what needs...
Truth and Consequences
From time to time we may begin to drop in a little digest of Right Wing lies and other assorted items you may be...
The Catastrophic Failure of the American Spirit
Today is one of the saddest days in the history of the American Republic. Americans proved that they have failed in maintaining the spirit...