On Raising Taxes and Restoring the Dream

We have all benefited from lower taxes in the years since 1980. So we can’t simply say that the rich have benefited. We all...

Republicans Are Corporatists–Not Populists!

One of the numerous Right Wing propaganda posts is called the “Patriot Post” by someone or some people who use the pseudonym “Sartre.” That...

Peace and Expansion Versus War and Destitution

We live in a world of political chaos. The single most important problem we face is the ascendancy of the rich. In itself, there...

Junior (Senator) Goes to Washington

New (Junior) Senator Mark Kirk from Illinois made an interesting statement now that he is in political power for 6 years, unless impeached or...

Sean and the Great Republican Propaganda Machine

Today, we hear from a paid Republican blogger who comments on Dr. Paul Krugman’s blog: “Conscience of a Liberal.” This clown is one...

Understanding Political Reality

Life is not a game show. The realities of electing the moronic, semi-troglodytic President’s son as President…or having the Supreme-Court-justice son of a rumored...

The Truth About George Soros…And Other Matters

George Soros is in the news these days because, in 2004, he bankrolled a considerable part of the effort to contain the horrendous, near-cataclysmic...

Glenn Beck: Clown Prince of Propaganda

There is always a question whether or not to give any kind of attention to the show-off--the kid who acts out in class because...

A Proven 80-year-old Plan for Recovery

The American People, according to polls, have now floundered their way into a strong majority willing to literally destroy their lives and those of...

The Grand Illusion, Part II

Part II -- Who is telling all those lies...and why?They met on the mall in Washington, that renowned place for great assemblies. They...

The Grand Illusion

Part I – Looming disaster and how we got hereThe Tea Party Movement is neither a movement nor has it anything to do with...

Restoring Honor? How About Restoring Sanity?

It is probably not a good idea to give any publicity to this inane plan of Glenn Beck’s to hold a “Restoring Honor” meeting...

Creating Jobs in the United States

There are several problems with the current jobs situation and those are in addition to the fact that one out of approximately 8 people...

Neocons and Neo-Fascists in the Global Village

What is America? Is it merely a flag? Is it an armed force, with tanks and guns and planes? After all, that’s what many...

The Current Common Wisdom Is Wrong

We often refer to the "common wisdom" in society, the general knowledge passed on by word of mouth locally, regionally and eventually expressed in...