"The time has come" the walrus said,
"To talk of many things:
Of shoes--and ships--and sealing wax--
Of cabbages--and kings--
And why the sea is...
The Dangerous Game
Anarchy is the absence of government. It could be a placid, pastoral society or it could be the wild, wild West. The fact is,...
Lies and Misunderstandings
When are we going to grow up as a nation?We have an entire media spectrum...that is, all the radio stations and all the...
Neoconservative Vs. Liberal
Let's make some distinctions, shall we, so that when Glenn Beck or Sarah Palin or some other anti-American, pro-internationalist, pro-corporate hack comes on television...
Sarah in Wonderland with the Mad Hatter
They're called Neoconservatives. Some of them on the far Right are called tea baggers or members of the "Tea Party."Before we get started, let's...
Using Public Jobs to Stimulate Private Enterprise
During the Presidential campaign, candidate Barack Obama said he would spend $210 to create 5 million jobs. This was something like 500,000 jobs...
It Can Happen Here. It’s Happening Now.
First they came after our land. Then they came after our trees. Then they came after our money. Now they want to take our...
Wake Up, America!
When will Americans finally wake up? Corporations have taken over the United States. The Republican Party has become, as Anthony Weiner said, in his...
Debts, Lies and Obstructionism
No mistake about it. We are in crisis mode. No matter what the stock market or the boys knocking down millions on Wall Street...
Jobs, Wages and the Urgent Need for Unions
Where are the jobs? And where is new union legislation? We need both and we need them now.We have a minimum of 15...
May 1910 to May 2010–100 Years of…Progress?
By 1910, the United States had changed from a collection of states along the Atlantic Coast and a group of Southern slavery states to...
Halliburton, Again.
When the smoke cleared at the site of the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, a name appeared in the various stories...
Make No Mistake About It–Neocon Republicans Are Holding up Financial Reform.
The Neoconservative Republican Party is holding up the financial reform bill. It is even holding up amendments by Republican Senators, the same Senators who...
The Myth of the Republican “Populist” Filibuster
We hear about Republican filibusters and we think perhaps of Jimmy Stewart in "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" and see all this flurry...
What Do “Think Tanks” Think About?
Washington D.C. seems to be "ground zero" for think tanks. A think tank is made up of a group of real and imagined "experts"...