The Supreme Court Disgracefully Wrong on Freedom of Speech

Many people, on both sides of the political spectrum understand the implications of the recent Supreme Court ruling that says that corporations may basically...

We Need Unions Today More Than Ever.

Under the Bush Administration, unions found themselves once again under siege. The last 29 years have been a battle against corporate lobbyists, Right-Wing radio...

The Don Seigelman Travesty: How Neocons Corrupted the Justice System

I think anyone would agree that if a former Governor of a state, one who is running for a return to office and is...

The Supreme Court: The Unthinkable May Have Happened.

For decades, if not for a century or more, we in the United States have been proud to believe that our Supreme Court has...

The Supreme Court Says: Corporations, Yes–Americans, No.

Yesterday, January 21, 2009 may have been a watershed moment in the short timeline of American history. Many say it was. If they are...