New Energy Jobs Coming From Either Democrats or Republicans

Yesterday the Democratic Senate announced its new "Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act."  Soon after a group of GOP Senators discussed their similar legislation, with...

The Economic Morality of Health Care Systems

Why is health care so expensive? Each American citizen, each identifiable taxpayer, pays about $7,000 per year for health care. On average, that means...

Wall Street Journal Under Murdoch: Propaganda Masquerades as Opinion, Opinion as...

In the Wall Street Journal this morning in mid-September 2009, John Taylor, a noted economist from Stanford has determined, in his wisdom, or that...

Government of the Lobbyists, by the Lobbyists, for the Lobbyists…

There were 14,000 lobbyists in Washington, D.C. in 2008. Those 14,000 lobbyists spent $3.3 billion dollars. That means that, in order to lobby...

Six Corporations Who Control the Media and the Message

Six huge corporations own media in this country. And they want more. In 2007, Kevin Martin, the head of the FCC and the stooge...

Neoconservative Republican Name Calling Not New with Health Care Reform

The shouting and screaming at the health care town halls did not simply happen suddenly out of thin air. These screaming know-nothings have been...

The Choice Between Neoconservative and Progressive Becomes Clearer.

There is no mystery about the difficult circumstances in which we find the American economy. Since 1981, when Ronald Reagan cut income taxes for the...

Obama Stimulus Is Succeeding In Spite of Republican Claims and Obstruction

A note on the economy. The Obama stimulus programs, including cash for clunkers are working.It must seem as if there is no end to...

The Economy, Unemployment, Foreclosures, Projections, Health Care and–Some–Good News.

A few items on the economy. Some people want to know where it is going. Here's what we know about the economy, housing, mortgages,...

It’s Not Obama’s Health Care Plan. It’s YOUR Health Care Plan,...

The Health Care Lobby is feeling its oats. They must think that by smearing the President and by creating irrelevant objections, they can stop...

Democrats Offer Health Care To All. Republicans Offer Rube Goldberg Charts.

The country is very close to a long-awaited transformation. The Democrats in Congress have decided, with the President, that it is time for all...

Why Economists Want Obama and Congress to Consider Second Stimulus.

No one is talking about less stimulus. Not with jobs still tanking at the rate of about 450,000 a month and an almost certain...

Republicans Call It ObamaCare. Many Democrats Like That Idea!

Hey! The Neo-Republicans and the lobbyists are trying to hang the "ObamaCare" tag on the President's health care reform program. What's wrong with that?...

Your Future Health Depends on a Public Option. Tell These Senators.

It is not too late nor is it one minute too early to write, call, Email or otherwise contact the Senators listed below and...

Democrat or Republican, Here’s How to See Health Care.

Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, if you are now or ever have been or ever will be a patient, here is...