Michelle Malkin on Success, Failure, and “Obamacare”
For those wondering how the Neocons roll, it is pretty simple. They pass out their talking points. Wendell Potter has shown how he did...
How the Health Care Industry Tries to Shut Down Health Care...
Wendell Potter is a former vice president of communications for Cigna one of the top five health insurance companies in the country. He was...
Desperate Neocon Republicans Use Wild Scare Tactics to Prevent Health Care...
Boehner and the ChartDems don't want people to see chart? No one wants to see chart. Dems don't because it makes no sense. Independents...
The REALLY Scary Steven King
Be afraid. Be very afraid. Don't go into the halls of Congress after dark. Don't travel through Council Bluffs, Iowa when Congress is on...
Neocon Republicans Versus “Socialized” Medicine.
The Neocon Republicans are on the move. They have formed a committee called, I think, the GOP Health Care Solutions Group. Now, we already...
Senator Dodd Steers Health Care Through HELP With No Neocon Votes....
Battered and bruised, with Senator Kennedy fighting his health battles at home and Sentor Mikulski in a cast from a badly broken ankle, the...
Democratic Obamacare–Yes. Republicans: U.S. Wants Health Care Reform!
The problem with polls is that they often do not tell you reasons. They tabulate and give you numbers. But you must understand what...
Obama & Health Care: the New York Times Reports the…Facts?
It may be time for much greater changes than simply transforming health care. We may be looking at a political and social climate that...
When Does Reckless Neocon-Republican Obstruction Become Treasonous?
When we are at war, and a soldier deserts his or her post, leaves, goes to the enemy and tries to help the enemy...
Neocon Republicans Versus Liberal Democrats And Affordable Health Care For All.
The attack dogs are out in every location, in every media, with fangs and claws bared. The health care industry is out to use...
It’s Not Obama’s Health Care Plan. It’s YOUR Health Care Plan,...
The Health Care Lobby is feeling its oats. They must think that by smearing the President and by creating irrelevant objections, they can stop...
Democrats Offer Health Care To All. Republicans Offer Rube Goldberg Charts.
The country is very close to a long-awaited transformation. The Democrats in Congress have decided, with the President, that it is time for all...
Rove Versus Obama. Whom Do You Believe About Health Care?
Karl Rove is the guy who brought you the Swift Boaters and an attempt to have the Justice Department indict political candidates without reason and...
Republicans and Health Care Lobby are Pushing Hard. You Must Push...
The Health Care reform battle is heating up. We now have two proposals to go out for amendments and vote on the floor of...
Health Care Wars, Part IV: The Final Conflict. We Can Win.
In this final part of the four-part interview with former Cigna health care VP Wendell Smith by Bill Moyers, Smith reveals several interesting techniques...