The Failure of Conservative Economics–Pt. IV–Bush, Cheney and Big Government by Debt

In 1994, in an interview, Milton Friedman said that in the 1990s there is “much less optimism and all the problems have been...

Failure of Conservative Economics, Part III The Big Economic Lie

No discussion of Conservative economics will be complete without a full analysis and review of the theories of Fredrich Hayek. Hayek was an Austrian...

The Failure of Conservative Economics–Part II. Ronald Reagan

In the period from the 1950s until the late 1970s, the Conservatives were largely considered Right Wing radicals and economic zealots. Republicans of...

The Failure of Conservatism and the Future of American Economics. Part I

In 1946, in the shadow of the carillon tower on the campus of the University of Chicago, an economist by the name of Milton...

Why We Need Unions

There are a lot of people today who do not understand the history and the purpose of unions. And that is very important. Very...

Republicans Oppose Obamacare…and the Middle Class

For years, even decades, the health insurance industry has run medicine in this country. Health insurance is basically when a corporation gets between...

Moving to the Left

If you are a Populist, you should not think that the elections on November 6, 2012 solved anything. We elected a President and Senators...

Obama or Romney…Your Decision, Your Future

We are days from the 2012 elections. The Republicans have their candidate and the Democrats theirs. Romney versus Obama. You have a decision to...

Romney, Taxes, Deficits and Disaster

Mitt Romney wants to be President. In order to become President, he must persuade the American people that he has a better plan for...

Romney’s Lies and the Future of America

The first Presidential campaign debate of the 2012 campaign was generally seen by the political punditry as a victory for the contender.Not...

Peter Roskam, Moderate (?) Republican

Life is strange sometimes. Someone by the name of Peter Roskam called me the other day. He is a member of the House of...

Dick Cheney and the Rise of Neo-Fascism

We are going through the worst period in American life since 1946. By the end of World War II, we had lost over half...

Homeless in Seattle…and Lakewood…and Reno…and more…

Tent cities are growing all over the country. Over 47 million people now live below the poverty line. There are growing numbers of tent...

Dr. Ferguson…You Presume.

This might be called, "practical economics." It is a response to economic history and social commentary specialist Niall Fergeson’s article in NEWSWEEK and...