A Tariff Policy to Create Jobs

We need exports and imports. We need jobs. And we need more jobs than can be provided by exports. In other words,at a very...

Wake Up, Republicans, Before It Is Too Late!

The recent elections have brought some emotional and some real political relief to a beleaguered Middle Class, but we need to point out a...

How Fred Upton and Whirlpool Devastated Arkansas and Michigan.

Large corporations are often so huge that it is difficult to get one’s head around their size and their influence. General Electric, for example,...

Lies My Republican Candidates Told Me.

The Republican candidates are out on the Old Washington Trail. It leads from Iowa to New Hampshire to the Carolinas, with stops in Nevada...


The last big show of Populist sentiment in this country was when the people of Wisconsin stood up against an oppressive Governor and a...

Returning the Great American Middle Class

This is about returning government to the People. This is about returning the Middle Class to America.If you read this and you are...

The Economics of Robert Reich.

Many short men are taller than Robert Reich. But as they said about Ari Onassis (who wasn’t that short, Ms. Onassis was just a...

Jobs and the Current American Economic Disaster

Since the Fall of 2008, the U.S. economy a dynamic enterprise of about $15 trillion dollars, as measured in employment, has fallen by about...

Unless You Are a Millionaire–or a Bigot–You Should Not Vote Republican.

It is time that we all faced facts, looked at ourselves in the mirror and asked ourselves who we are.If you are...

Are the Republicans Really Fascists? A Comparison.

Anyone can call someone else a name. People call others Fascists or Nazis all the time on the Internet. People who have these little...

Who Is Stealing Your Retirement and Why?

It’s about time you faced some increasingly obvious facts. Your own corporation is stealing your retirement income. Corporations are freezing defined benefit plans, shutting...

The Post Office and Republican Treachery

Do you have a utility bill or a credit card bill that’s going to cost you extra if you don’t get it there on...

ALEC’s Plan to Take Over State Governments

The economic problems of the United States are not complicated nor are they insolvable. They are the result of actions taken by a few...

The Parable of the Thieves

--------------------------------------------1-60-220 President, Senate, House of Representatives. Democratic in 2012Nothing is more important, no matter who you are. Save America.--------------------------------------------When reason fails,...