To Find a Job, Fire a Republican
---------------------------------------------------------------------------Remember the goal: 220-60-1 for 2012. Two-hundred and twenty Democratic House Members, Sixty solid Liberal Democratic Senators and a Democratic President. This is the...
“Red Tape” Is a Republican Red Herring.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------From now on, until the elections of 2012, every post will be lead by the following statement: Nothing proposed or examined here will be...
Fascist Republicans Stealing Votes
What is the essential element in a free society? It is the independent, uninfluenced, unimpeded opportunity to vote for the candidate of your choice....
Southerners Are Being Taken for a Ride
The Republicans, and the Tea Party founders, the Koch Family and about 30 other millionaire donors are taking the South for a ride.People...
Why Regulations Are Important
Rusty Billingsley was an ironworker who loved horses and loved his job. He was employed at the massive Las Vegas City Center project, a...
Fascists Pretending to be Patriots.
When we come across a video like the one below, we must expose it. We do not understand why a former Lt. General in...
Rick Perry: Bum to Hero to Bum…Before the Campaign Starts!
This is how Neoconservatives…aka Neocons…aka the American Kinder, Gentler Fascists…work: they lie, then cover their lies with more lies, then let the truth come...
Class Warfare…The Battle to Destroy the Middle Class
A dentist from Naperville, Illinois called a talk show in Chicago.“I’ve invested $400,000 in starting a dental practice and the government won’t let...
Senator Junior from Illinois Responds
A Letter on August 18, 2011 to a citizen from Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois in response to the citizen's letter concerning the recent...
Why Bachmann Is More Dangerous than Al Qaeda or the Taliban
What is it about current Republican Presidential candidates? Can’t they find another Reagan? Maybe something simple like an actor is not a bad idea....
Taxes and Stimuli, 101
So many stupid theories abound today, tossed back and forth between the billionaire-paid politicians and their paid think-tank economists, that it is hard to...
Rick Perry’s Texas Two-Step
Is Rick Perry a real candidate for President? Was he a real governor of Texas? Some say that he was a stooge, several times...
Forward…to the New Clinton Era
It is time to push and push hard for Democratic reforms of government. We can return to an era when jobs were prolific and...
Wisconsin, Walker and ALEC
Today, Tuesday, August 9, 2011, Wisconsin voters will face one of the most important political decisions of their lives. It will have an...