Tea Party Republicans and American Hatred
So now…the debt limit is raised and everyone is happy. We have cuts in government spending, But what else happened? Nothing.That is what...
Capitalism Versus Patriotism
American workers have been kicked around by industry for about 30 solid years now. Unions have been crushed, jobs sent to India and China...
The Astonishing, Incomprehensible Mind of the of the American Neocon-Fascist
Only today, only in the most recent polls are we beginning to see the larger group of Americans turning around at some of the...
The Palin Ascendency
When Sarah Palin was selected as the Vice Presidential candidate in 2008 to run with John McCain, she seemed a nice, relatively simple woman...
Republicans and “Tea Party” Billionaires Attack Social Security
One of the attacks on the Middle Class being undertaken skillfully by the Koch Brothers and the Phil Anschutzes and the Rush Limbaughs and...
How Republicans Took Your Job and How You Can Get It Back!
We rattle on, debating the Fascists about whether we should cut this or tax that....Congress and the President drone on and on. Lobbyists come...
Neocon Lies About Taxes and Austerity
We have to stay on point, stay focused. The time has passed when the average American family can be civil and or laid back...
Political War in America–North, South, Rich, Poor
This is the world we live in. We don't need political commentators to tell us what is happening. We see it every day in...
Scott Brown and the Neocons: Feed the Rich; Starve the Poor
Today in America, you are rich if you make $250,000 and you are poor if you have no income at all. And that is...
The Only Good Republican is a Dead Republican
Republicans: A vote against SCHIPS. Then another vote to prevent it from being renewed, a Republican presidential veto on the same bill, then another....
Wisconsin: The Terrible Price of Political Ignorance
Where are we? It is June, 2011. What kind of country are we? What kind of people are we?We know a few things...things...
Overturning the Republican Lie Machine
The facts about austerity are incontrovertible. There is every good reason to generate more income and not cut entitlement programs. Do NOT let the...
Tax the Rich and Balance the Budget.
The very wealthy on Wall Street and their political arm, the Neoconservative Republican Party got us into this horrific Recession. Teachers didn't do it....
Tax the Rich and Save the Country
It is time that we stopped thinking about fairness, goodness, and justice. Fairness went out the window with Reagan. There never was enough goodness...