The Neocon Republican Candidates—A Rogues Gallery
What a bunch of losers we saw in the first Republican debate. It was shallow, obfuscating and ignored reality.We’ll start off by saying...
First Big Emergency of Many. Better Read This!
Normally only idiotic and venal Senator John Kyl of Arizona, while Mexicans are climbing over the garden walls in Tucson and he is fiddling...
The Trouble with the Trouble with the Economy
We’ve got trouble. Right here in Washington City. And that starts with a “T” and that rhymes with a “G” and that stands for...
Is Tim Pawlenty Dumber than Palin or Bachmann?
Here's an imaginative new platform for a Republican Candidate. Tim Pawlenty's blistering slogan is: "A Better Deal." Huh? That's it?For God's sake, governor,...
More Neocon Lies about Obamacare–and the Truth
Well, here we go again, folks. More non-stop lies about the future of health care reform legislation. There is no question that our "friends"...
Republicans Auctioning Off Your Country to Their Friends
“To the victor belong the spoils.”Little did the Senator in 1831 know how far the Republican Party of 2011, even more corrupt than that...
Obamacare is the Answer, Ryancare the Disaster
There were people who thought Paul Ryan was a genius. Then Democrats and Independents and Seniors began to analyze his plan.He quickly became...
Who Is Scaring All Those Seniors…and Why?
"It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood...a beautiful day for a neighbor..would you be mine...could you be mine...."Oh, yeah. Mister Rogers had nothing...
A Time for Action
Normally, we all look to events for encouragement or emotional uplift that demands that we get up out of our chairs. Not everyone. Some...
Let’s Talk About the National Budget.
Phony baloney. Just like Walker in Wisconsin, the talk about "austerity" is a bunch of rich white men talking bull shit about what needs...
Truth and Consequences
From time to time we may begin to drop in a little digest of Right Wing lies and other assorted items you may be...
National Debt Solution: Create Jobs. Repeal Tax Cuts. Nationalize Energy
It is time for a reality check. It is far beyond time for a reality check. We are standing on the edge of a...
Let’s be very clear. We could very well be on the edge of revolution. The Republican Party, which now controls the House of...
The Massacre of the Middle Class
In 2010, Americans were actually called upon to vote whether or not they would like to create an oligarchy, a ruling elite, that would...