Why Governor Walker and the Neocons Hate Unions
The Neocon Republicans believe that government should intrude in our lives when it comes to religion and abortion and tax cuts for the rich...
Neocon Strategy at Work…From Wisconsin and Ohio to Washington D.C.
Here is the Neoconservative Republican political strategy in a nutshell: put your people in a good financially position. When in political power, spend as...
Neocon Scare Tactics on Solvent Social Security
Let’s start with a couple of important facts. If we did not have Social Security, virtually every other retired person today would be in...
GOP: Going Fascist on Unions and Middle Class
There is a good argument that those dozen or so Wisconsin legislators should have stayed in Wisconsin and taken the hit. In other words,...
Neocon Corporate Moguls Attack Middle Class Workers
This is a country that has created some of the greatest industries and the greatest fortunes in the history of the world.In 1883...
Rumsfeld Running Scared
Apparently Donald Rumsfeld, looking out at the future, seeing unrest everywhere, knowing that that the world is changing, wants to deflect some of the...
State Debt Problems: Rich Teachers, Super-wealthy Firemen, Nurses, Cops!
A man of little intellect and loud voice speaks from the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade. He shouts at the camera from...
Reagan the Best President? Not Even Close.
Reagan the best President? This recent Gallup poll may be the poll to end all polls...literally. It may only prove that people in the...
Union-busting in Wisconsin
There is a strong game plan abroad in the land to bust unions. Most unions these days are for government workers. So the new...
Imported Americans — Part Two
The turn of the century saw the African American as largely uneducated, not owning the place he lived, without education, working as a sharecropper...
Imported Americans — Part I
We don’t talk much about our Imported Americans. Yes, they have been here almost as long as our Native Americans. They hold an equally...
Laffer Is Laughable…But It’s Not Funny.
Does anyone believe that Arthur Laffer, Ronald Reagan's guru, the author and prime suspect in the catastrophe known as "voodoo economics" is really an...
The Reagan Legacy
The American scene has changed since 1980 and not for the better. What is our biggest problem today? That’s right: the national debt. Everything...
Americans Do Want Health Care Reform.
Here’s the problem with the Neocon Republicans’ argument about health care. The fact is that their argument is simply a lie. It’s a big...