Neocons Versus Firemen
We were going to continue with our Populist view of what’s wrong with America in Part II, discussing the shift in American Values. But...
What Is Wrong with America? Part I—Economic Inequality
The United States has gone wrong. It has gone off the rails. When we have people who were in January living a normal life...
A Neocon Senate with No Conscience
What happened to the United States of America? What happened to a government that anyone could turn to? What happened to a government that...
Why Tax Cuts for the Rich? Because They Think They Can.
If you think that we need a reduction in taxes from the Bush-Cheney 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, you need to get the facts....
Senator Sanders Tells of Civil War on the Middle Class
Mr. Smith finally came to Washington. Only his name wasn't Smith and the message went out far beyond the chamber of the U.S. Senate....
Time for a Military Coup
It is time for a military coup. It is time for strong leadership to take over the reins of government and start to force...
Time for New Democratic Leadership
Someone said recently that his mother, would turn over in her grave. The intelligent and earthy mother of three boys and sister of five...
Neocon Republicans and the Super-Rich
Now that the Neocon Republicans have shown us their colors in the bright light of day….no tax cuts for the lower 98% of Americans...
Tax Cut Magic
The Neocons, formerly the Republicans, (there are now no remaining Republicans) have a unique perspective. On December 2, 2010, the Democrats, and a few...
Junior (Senator) Goes to Washington
New (Junior) Senator Mark Kirk from Illinois made an interesting statement now that he is in political power for 6 years, unless impeached or...
Paul Ryan and Barnyard Economics
Ryan is a wonderful Irish name. But Paul Ryan is no typical Irishman. Ryan carries less of the Irish tradition than does Russ Feingold....
Sean and the Great Republican Propaganda Machine
Today, we hear from a paid Republican blogger who comments on Dr. Paul Krugman’s blog: “Conscience of a Liberal.” This clown is one...
The 500 Reactionary Rich
We have a serious problem in this country. It is not hard to recognize or to understand. It is simple and it is ruining...