Understanding Political Reality

Life is not a game show. The realities of electing the moronic, semi-troglodytic President’s son as President…or having the Supreme-Court-justice son of a rumored...

Republicans Plan Tax Cuts for Billionaires.

Rule number one—always remember that the current Republican Party is out to get you unless you are a multi-millionaire and a donor to the...

Propaganda, Elections, Taxes, and Losing America

In a bold statement, Senator Mitch McConnell must have encountered a “senior moment” because he momentarily lost his talking points. He actually had the...

Why Republicans Want Repeal of Health Care Reform

This recent election was not about Americans’ understanding of recent legislation. It was about their misunderstanding of recent legislation.That may be deliberate. We...

Who Won the Election?

The votes in the Mid-term elections have been tallied.The message has been sent. The Republicans got it loud and clear. But do you know...

Americans Aren’t Stupid–Just Crazy!

This is a message for Americans who would vote for the Corporatists. No..actually, it is more like a rant against these dangerously ignorant voters....

Returning to Bush-Cheney Politics

We are about to elect a Neocon-Republican House of Representatives—if all the numbers are correct—that will do its best to further set back the...


Here they come, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: McConnell, Vitter, DeMint and Boehner.The voters say: start with a plague on all your...

The Common Wisdom

Here’s something to take into the voting booth.Even though life is complicated and the complexity is compounded by the acceleration of information being...

Elections Have Consequences.

The First Tuesday in November of 2010......may be the last day of the American Dream.In 2001, George W. Bush was elected to office. We...

The Truth About George Soros…And Other Matters

George Soros is in the news these days because, in 2004, he bankrolled a considerable part of the effort to contain the horrendous, near-cataclysmic...

The Danger of Armed Insurrection in America Today

We go to work in unnerving heavy traffic, fighting to get there on time so that we won’t be one of those who is...

Tea Party Express to Disaster

A recent survey showed that only 5% of the Tea Party signs were racist, or called the President a Muslim or said that he...

What Republicans Will Do If Elected

We now know what the Republicans want. Not the Tea Party members. They are merely dupes.Yes, dupes. If you are concerned about government spending...