The Neocons
When the current American Right Wing propaganda machine heats up it is very difficult to sift through the lies and the deliberate distractions to...
Neocons and Neo-Fascists in the Global Village
What is America? Is it merely a flag? Is it an armed force, with tanks and guns and planes? After all, that’s what many...
Open Letter to Tea Party: Take a Hard Left Turn
Before anyone who is a true Populist is going to believe that you, the Tea Party members are remotely legitimate and not simply stooges...
The Bush-Cheney Pro-Poverty Programs
In 8 years in office, Bill Clinton, in addition to creating 22 million jobs, left office having lifted 5 million people out of poverty....
Neocons Trying to Split the Middle Class
Divide and conquer...that’s their motto. As ancient as the Romans and as current as the Rovians. The Neoconservative plan is to pit the American...
The Current Common Wisdom Is Wrong
We often refer to the "common wisdom" in society, the general knowledge passed on by word of mouth locally, regionally and eventually expressed in...
Jon Kyl and the Paris Hilton Retirement Plan
Here’s how you prepare for retirement.You figure out a way to be born into a very wealth family. Your daddy dies and you...
Wall Street Journal: Unemployment Benefits Are Bad for America
In a recent article entitled “Stimulating Unemployment” the Wall Street Journal inadvertently showed its true colors. Black. They would like us all to wear...
Neocons Revising History
When someone invades your home, steals your property, and takes the things you need to adequately live your daily life, you do not call...
The Neocon Roadmap to Take Us Over the Cliff
The Neocons have a wonderful new mantra…”austerity”…a lovely word that means, “let’s cut your government benefits so we can cut my taxes.”It is expressed...
Voodoo Economics Versus Outright Fraud
Here’s what “Voodoo Economics” is all about. Voodoo Economics refers to a theory put forth by economist Arthur Laffer in 1980…and perhaps remains his...
Neoconservatives Versus Americans
When someone attacks your arguments or comments on your lifestyle, that may be a source of irritation or possibly even anxiety. But when people...
Sinister Economics
Let’s understand one thing. The economic problems of the country were not caused by “Progressive” or “Liberal” or “Populist” policies. They were caused in...
Government by Lobbyist
The recent Citizens United verdict by the Supreme Court makes one thing clear. For the time being, at least, lobbying is here to stay...