Impeach Justice Thomas.
Quote from a Right Wing blog on the Internet concerning the activities of Supreme Court Justice Thomas’ wife in creating a new Right-Wing group...
Net Neutrality–Free Speech on the Internet
Someone asked recently, “What can I do?” when it comes to issues of political and economic power being used as a wedge or...
Expansion, Not Austerity
We now have a Presidential Commission to make recommendations about the Reagan-Bush-Bush $13 trillion deficit that was created by cutting revenues in half with...
Raise Taxes or Cut Entitlements–You Decide.
You should see one particular chart from the Congressional budget office.Here’s what it says:The lowest two quintiles (lowest 40%) of wage earners averaged...
Fixing the Economy and the Budget–for the People
It’s wonk city, folks. If you don’t have any patience, don’t read on. But if you don’t read on, don’t blame us if the...
The Disturbing Nonsense of the Powerful Right Wing Media
The Right Wing media has an overwhelming advantage over the commentary that comes from the Left. First of all, 90% of all radio programming...
Hypocrisy, Thy Name is Ryan!
Oh boy! Ohboyoboyoboyoboy! Just when you think you have heard every lie, every phony claim, every stinking innuendo, every slavish following of the superstitiously...
Don’t Think “Green Energy;” Think Green Jobs.
We have a couple of pieces of legislation in that great frozen melting pot called a Senate that deserve your attention and, frankly, the...
Do We Run the Military or Does the Military Run Us?
In the living memory of many seniors in this country, a relatively unpopular President of the United States fired one of the most popular...
Budget Cuts–Coming After Your Social Security
It is time to pay attention to the Peterson Commission. And you had better pay attention and tell your friends and have them tell...
Disaster in West Virginia
There is no way to discuss oil spills without stopping to make a comment or two on the crime, the rape of the Appalachian...
On Oil Spills and Government Spoils
This is about our country.We have been through the Second Age of the Moguls and it was worse than the first, if that is...
The Angry American
There has been no time in recent memory when so many people, so many Americans, are very, very angry. They have every right to...
“Please, Sir, May I Have Another!”
The Republicans in Congress have their paddles out and are ready, if we let them, to make us walk the line again, while the...