Here’s How Right Wing Obstruction Affects You Personally.
Life is not a newsreel, someone once said. It is not a sound bite. It is not the mere reporting of Republican Reich Wing...
Helen Thomas and the Problem of Palestine
Helen Thomas is a long-time, award-winning, ground-breaking reporter and columnist for the Associated Press, one of the remaining news services. She has,...
The Roberts’ Supreme Court and the End of Democracy
With all the other problems facing this country, one that we should not have to face in 2010 is the validity and honesty of...
State of the Nation — June 2010
Where are we?We've got a bunch of tea party nuts...let's be frank...running around saying that the country is becoming a fascist sate and...
A Presidential Commission–To Cut Your Benefits
"Houston, we have a problem....""We're out of money."Our fiscal problems have at last reached emergency status. The Republicans, yes, the Republicans--in a purely...
"The time has come" the walrus said,
"To talk of many things:
Of shoes--and ships--and sealing wax--
Of cabbages--and kings--
And why the sea is...
The Dangerous Game
Anarchy is the absence of government. It could be a placid, pastoral society or it could be the wild, wild West. The fact is,...
Lies and Misunderstandings
When are we going to grow up as a nation?We have an entire media spectrum...that is, all the radio stations and all the...
Neoconservative Vs. Liberal
Let's make some distinctions, shall we, so that when Glenn Beck or Sarah Palin or some other anti-American, pro-internationalist, pro-corporate hack comes on television...
Sarah in Wonderland with the Mad Hatter
They're called Neoconservatives. Some of them on the far Right are called tea baggers or members of the "Tea Party."Before we get started, let's...
Using Public Jobs to Stimulate Private Enterprise
During the Presidential campaign, candidate Barack Obama said he would spend $210 to create 5 million jobs. This was something like 500,000 jobs...
Truth and Freedom of the Press
It might surprise some people to learn that according to an organization called Reporters without Borders, a group that monitors freedom of the press...
The Iraq War. Flesh and Blood.
The war in Iraq was a mistake. Whatever point of view one takes, there is no real benefit to us any longer to have...
A Radical Proposal: Peace and Justice
This is about war and peace. Yes, the most important thing today is more jobs. That is the very first item that should be...