Health Care Reform or Obstruction. Whom Should You Trust?
On the question of health care, in the absence of actually looking it up yourself, it all comes down to: whom do you believe?...
Republicans Panic, Call Voters: Be Afraid of Health Care Reform!
“Hello, this is Congresswoman Judy Biggert. I’m calling to warn you about Medicare…”How lucky am I? My Congresswoman, Judy Biggert was taking the...
Who Created the Recession and Who Can End It
Jobs, jobs, jobs. It is the mantra of the Liberals. It may also be the mantra of anyone who is out of work and...
Beware the Ides of March and Neocon Budget Scare Tactics
We are going through one of those periods right now where the Neocon anti-middle class propaganda machine is cranking out trash day and night....
Unemployment, Job Creation, and Back-of-the-Envelope Economics
Do you want a job? Do you need a job or know anyone who does? Do you think that there are fewer jobs than...
Profile of a Neoconservative: How Neocons Think and Vote.
Peter Roskam was elected in 2006 to fill the seat of Rep. Henry Hyde, who retired and died. Roskam is a typical Neoconservative Republican…e.g.,...
Are You an American or Are You a Neocon?
The actions of John Kyl and Jim Bunning recently bring into sharp focus, as Dr. Paul Krugman, the Nobel Laureate has said, the differences...
More Idiotic Propaganda From the GOP Lunatic Fringe
The Republicans have lost the battle against health care for their supporters in the health insurance industry. With no more stalling options, they are...
The Communist Fallacy
You might want to take everything you know about our country and have a second look.We all used to participate in the defense...
Torts, Filibusters, Health Care Reform and Disastrous Supreme Court Decisions
We are now well into this session of Congress. The Senate has already begun a pace of filibusters that will exceed that of...
The Next American Revolution
It is time for all Americans to stop what they are doing and think about the future. Your future has already been mapped out...
Do Americans Really Want Health Care Reform?
We have spent an entire year listening to politicians talk about health care, argue health care, debate health care and even do their best...
The Grim State of the Nation
As we are about to enter the third month of 2010, the nation is in its worst financial and economic condition since, perhaps, 1939....
Health Industry Greed and Democratic Reform
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times….Yes, indeed. It was the best of times for the health care industry...