Tell Democrats…Get Universal Public Health Care Done!

The Neocon Republicans, when they are not playing doctor with their aides, are relentless in their pursuit of happiness for the rich and for...

Do Not Trust the Neocon Republican Health Care Lobbyists.

Let’s get real about health care. The facts--FACTS--tell us that we should follow the Democratic lead, and we should also get out and work...

Republican Malpractice: Senator Barrasso, MD, Lies in Attacks vs Canadian Health Care.

John Barrasso is an orthopedic surgeon from Wyoming, a state with less population than the city of Milwaukee. Yet, having left practice to crusade against...

The Neocon Republican Right Fires on Health Care Reform.

They are doing everything they can, these Right Wingers, like Senators Coburn, Bunning, McConnell, McCain, among others and Representatives Kirk, Murphy, Dent, Foxx, Roskam...

A Tale of Two Doctors: Neocon Republicans vs Democratic Health Care Proposal

It is wonderful to see how the Republicans recruit physicians to become sort of expert witnesses on health care topics. You have Gingery and...

Democratic Politicians Must Vote for Universal Public Health Care Option.

"We are approaching a perfect storm of problems that, if not addressed by our next President, will cause our health care system to implode." --Senator...

Mr. President–Tear Down That Health Care Lobby!

Americans are finally hearing the truth. Through the competitive din of chattering and yammering talking heads, carefully coiffed, with each dental implant glinting off...

Democrats Must Investigate Cheney-Bush for War Crimes.

Let's not make any mistake nor have any question how we feel about Dick Cheney. Our attitude is firmly set after much study and...

Boehner and Republican “Plans” for Healthcare.

We don't need to go far to find out what we need to do in health care. All we need to do is listen...

President Must Authorize Bush War Crimes Investigation.

Recent disclosures of documents about our handling of prisoners of war demand that we now investigate the extent of possible war crimes. As a...

To Inflate or Not to Inflate…. That is the Question.

There is a question that has been posed by a number of economists about the future of the economy after the recovery.  Will there...

Who Stole Your Social Security and Why?

Social Security is not an abstract concept. It is not a series of numbers on a chart. It is life and death to one...

Sotomayor Only the Latest Neocon Republican Disaster.

The Neocon Republicans never learn. They simply do not get it and they will go down to huge defeat in the next election wondering...

Democrats Need to Fight for Single-Payer Healthcare.

There is a little, white-haired old man in Washington, sometimes disheveled, hair in disarray, peering out either mischievously or defiantly from behind less-than-fashionable eyeglasses. ...