Let’s Use the Obama Method on Health Care. Let’s Act!


We are in one of the most unusual situations of our country’s history. There have been others, like Civil Rights, when we knew what was right, but we felt impotent. Today, thanks to examples like that of the Civil Rights era, we know how to influence Congress. From those days we learned that it made a difference that large groups of people would get out and emphasize the point that we were a better country than one that would allow injustice to some of our citizens.

Today we have a similar problem and we need to rally around the people leading the battle for a public health care option. We have clearly proved that it is the ONLY option. We also we need to contact our representatives as we have never done before. Because they are being bombarded by lobbyists and so called “experts” telling them that a public option would be a disaster. The health care lobby stands to lose all those billions they have been removing from your pockets and they are going all out.

So here’s what we need to do. One place to go is to www.ourfuture.org. Follow any instructions that they may have on proposals or meetings or petitions. Here’s another location that you can go to directly from which you should be able to send an email very easily and quickly.


Or you can go to the sites of both your house member and your senator and send them an Email (suggested below) or simply call or fax them a letter. The phone numbers for the Washington offices, which is where they are now, are on the sites. For the House it is: http://www.house.gov/. At the very top there is an alphabetical list of all House members. Or if you don’t know your house member’s name, just type in your zip code and you’ll get it. The Senate is www.senate.gov. Type in your state and the senators’ web sites will come up.

What do you say in an Email? Something like this or probably something better will occur to you, if you are as angry as we are.


Senator.. or Representative…

This is a simple request but an urgent one. We are all suffering from the problems that have been caused by a health care system that does not work. We know what works. Medicare works. The VA system works. We have confidence that a sensible, government-sponsored plan, similar to those in most other advanced countries, is an essential option. It must have the accountability and universality that only a government plan can offer. We are certain that only a public option will insure that all Americans have access to affordable, reliable health care. This is extremely important to me. The way my representatives act will certainly determine for whom I will vote in the next election.



If you call..we would recommend the Washington office…you need merely say something like the following:


Hello..my name is….and I live in….city. I am a supporter of (Representative or Senator) and I want to go on record that I am in favor of a public health care option. I have studied the situation and this is what I favor and I want the (Representative/Senator) to know it. Will you see to it that he/she gets this message? It is VERY important to me. Thank you and thank you for all you do for (my district/ our state.)


If you can do this and especially if you can pass this on to some other people who would do the same, it will go a long way towards balancing the tremendous financial pressure they are receiving right now from people who have their ear every day…the enormous health care lobbying groups in Washington.

We read and we talk among ourselves to learn what we want from life and our government. At some point, however, in a free society, we must act. Some things are so important that we cannot stand back…everyone must stand up and say…enough! This is the time to act.