Why Regulations Are Important

Rusty Billingsley was an ironworker who loved horses and loved his job. He was employed at the massive Las Vegas City Center project, a...

It’s About Jobs…and the Economy…and How We Got Here!

Americans need jobs. Yes, you can say that the Gross National Product has increased a certain amount or fallen back a certain amount. You...

Neocons Trying to Split the Middle Class

Divide and conquer...that’s their motto. As ancient as the Romans and as current as the Rovians. The Neoconservative plan is to pit the American...

Down Trump’s Golden Brick Road

We must examine the Trump infrastructure plan.At first, it sounds, well, pretty good. And then you get the details.First, why do you think Trump...

Raise Taxes or Cut Entitlements–You Decide.

You should see one particular chart from the Congressional budget office.Here’s what it says:The lowest two quintiles (lowest 40%) of wage earners averaged...

Fixing the Economy and the Budget–for the People

It’s wonk city, folks. If you don’t have any patience, don’t read on. But if you don’t read on, don’t blame us if the...

Jobs, Wind, Solar, Natural Gas, Kerry, Boxer, Carbon and the Obstructionists

We need jobs and we need them soon. We have about 15.1 million people unemployed, with jobs falling now at the (slowing) rate of...

One Nation Rally. October 2, 2010, the National Mall, Washington D.C.

If you can attend, it is this weekend. It will be the biggest event on the Mall in many years, a very large number...

Union-busting in Wisconsin

There is a strong game plan abroad in the land to bust unions. Most unions these days are for government workers. So the new...

Why Governor Walker and the Neocons Hate Unions

The Neocon Republicans believe that government should intrude in our lives when it comes to religion and abortion and tax cuts for the rich...

Expansion, Not Austerity

We now have a Presidential Commission to make recommendations about the Reagan-Bush-Bush $13 trillion deficit that was created by cutting revenues in half with...

The Neocon Republican Candidates—A Rogues Gallery

What a bunch of losers we saw in the first Republican debate. It was shallow, obfuscating and ignored reality.We’ll start off by saying...

Here’s How Right Wing Obstruction Affects You Personally.

Life is not a newsreel, someone once said. It is not a sound bite. It is not the mere reporting of Republican Reich Wing...

American Society at a Crossroads. For People or for Corporations?

We are facing a serious problem as a society. The problem is whether we will approach our fellow citizens as equals, with equal opportunity...

The Nightmare of U.S. Private Prisons

With everything else you have to worry about—Fascism in government, domestic terrorists and the lack of intelligent response, a congress trying to overthrow all...