The Astonishing, Incomprehensible Mind of the of the American Neocon-Fascist

Only today, only in the most recent polls are we beginning to see the larger group of Americans turning around at some of the...

Scott Brown and the Neocons: Feed the Rich; Starve the Poor

Today in America, you are rich if you make $250,000 and you are poor if you have no income at all. And that is...

Tax the Rich and Balance the Budget.

The very wealthy on Wall Street and their political arm, the Neoconservative Republican Party got us into this horrific Recession. Teachers didn't do it....

The Neocon Republican Candidates—A Rogues Gallery

What a bunch of losers we saw in the first Republican debate. It was shallow, obfuscating and ignored reality.We’ll start off by saying...

Let’s Talk About the National Budget.

Phony baloney. Just like Walker in Wisconsin, the talk about "austerity" is a bunch of rich white men talking bull shit about what needs...

Truth and Consequences

From time to time we may begin to drop in a little digest of Right Wing lies and other assorted items you may be...

The Neocon Republican No-jobs Plan

In the United States, right now, March 2011, we have about 111 million people gainfully employed. About 6.9 million of those are employed part...

Why Governor Walker and the Neocons Hate Unions

The Neocon Republicans believe that government should intrude in our lives when it comes to religion and abortion and tax cuts for the rich...

Neocon Strategy at Work…From Wisconsin and Ohio to Washington D.C.

Here is the Neoconservative Republican political strategy in a nutshell: put your people in a good financially position. When in political power, spend as...

Union-busting in Wisconsin

There is a strong game plan abroad in the land to bust unions. Most unions these days are for government workers. So the new...

Telling Lies on Sunday

Is it more of a sin to tell a lie on Sunday, the “Lord’s Day” than on any other day? Apparently not for Congress....

Glenn Beck Attacks Unions

Glenn Beck, the supposedly middle class hero, turns out to be a hollowed out Tin Man. Lately, we noticed that this self-style man of...

One Nation Rally. October 2, 2010, the National Mall, Washington D.C.

If you can attend, it is this weekend. It will be the biggest event on the Mall in many years, a very large number...

Politics: Winning in Class Warfare — Part I

In the early evening of a summer night in New York City, or Dallas or Los Angeles, or Miami, there is a slow, quiet...

On Taxes and Coming Out of Recession

This is a short piece about taxes and jobs. One would hope that this blog is not the only place where there is a...