Creating Jobs in the United States
There are several problems with the current jobs situation and those are in addition to the fact that one out of approximately 8 people...
A Populist Plan to Restore the Economy
This will short and to the point. This is a simple plan to handle a simple problem.Yes, it is not as complicated by a...
Neocons Trying to Split the Middle Class
Divide and conquer...that’s their motto. As ancient as the Romans and as current as the Rovians. The Neoconservative plan is to pit the American...
The Current Common Wisdom Is Wrong
We often refer to the "common wisdom" in society, the general knowledge passed on by word of mouth locally, regionally and eventually expressed in...
Expansion, Not Austerity
We now have a Presidential Commission to make recommendations about the Reagan-Bush-Bush $13 trillion deficit that was created by cutting revenues in half with...
Raise Taxes or Cut Entitlements–You Decide.
You should see one particular chart from the Congressional budget office.Here’s what it says:The lowest two quintiles (lowest 40%) of wage earners averaged...
Fixing the Economy and the Budget–for the People
It’s wonk city, folks. If you don’t have any patience, don’t read on. But if you don’t read on, don’t blame us if the...
Hypocrisy, Thy Name is Ryan!
Oh boy! Ohboyoboyoboyoboy! Just when you think you have heard every lie, every phony claim, every stinking innuendo, every slavish following of the superstitiously...
Don’t Think “Green Energy;” Think Green Jobs.
We have a couple of pieces of legislation in that great frozen melting pot called a Senate that deserve your attention and, frankly, the...
Budget Cuts–Coming After Your Social Security
It is time to pay attention to the Peterson Commission. And you had better pay attention and tell your friends and have them tell...
“Please, Sir, May I Have Another!”
The Republicans in Congress have their paddles out and are ready, if we let them, to make us walk the line again, while the...
Here’s How Right Wing Obstruction Affects You Personally.
Life is not a newsreel, someone once said. It is not a sound bite. It is not the mere reporting of Republican Reich Wing...
State of the Nation — June 2010
Where are we?We've got a bunch of tea party nuts...let's be frank...running around saying that the country is becoming a fascist sate and...
Using Public Jobs to Stimulate Private Enterprise
During the Presidential campaign, candidate Barack Obama said he would spend $210 to create 5 million jobs. This was something like 500,000 jobs...